Now's the time to really get into recycling, not only will you clear the house of all that clutter but you may also be able to raise some much needed cash!
Recycling still remains one of the hottest topics around but sometimes you just want to know 'can I recycle this or not?'. Here, you will find some general pointers, much will depend on your local authority who are responsible for waste management in you area. Keep looking as new facilities are being added - cardboard food containers (tetrapak) can now be recycled at some sites.
Here are some ideas for buying and recycling products for the whole family:
Recycling isn’t the whole answer, it is a much bigger picture where we need to think about using less in the first place and reusing what we already have. Much of our rubbish despite recycling will still go to land fill sites or be exported thus transferring the problem to less fortunate countries. Every time you go shopping think about what you are buying, take your own bag and get the children involved - after all it will affect their future more than yours.
What can you do to Reduce
Reuse, where items retain their original form
Recycle, where items are broken down in some way and then remanufactured such as plastic cups into pens, aluminium can back into cans. You can also increase your use of recycled products
So, what can I recycle?
In the
Batteries: yes they can be recycled but more often than not only at the amenity centre. Buy rechargeable ones, a button battery pollutes 1m cubed of soil for 50 years!
Cans: both aluminum and steel. Crush them if you can but there is no need to remove labels as these will be burnt off in the reprocessing. The aluminum can recycling rate was 48% in 2006.
Cardboard: some local authorities collect as part of their kerbside collections, otherwise take to your local amenity centre, make sure you check your local facilities as some can now recylce tetra packs as well so all those juice cartons can now be recycled too.
Clothes and shoes: take them to a local rummage sale or your local charity shop, failing that many amenity sites do have clothes and shoe collection bins. YOu can even sell them on e-bay or through local second hand shops - vintage clothes are very fashionable!
Compost: you can compost all raw vegetable matter including peelings, egg shells, coffee grouts, tea bags, grass clipping but best well mixed, small amounts of cardboard – especially egg boxes.
Computers: can be recycled but make sure you permanently delete all your files and programmes. With the introduction of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations it is now even more important to dispose of electrical equipment in the propoer manner. Try the following organizations:
Foil: treated differently to aluminum cans usually recyclable at central facilities only
Furniture: advertise in your local free paper or take to a local secondhand shop.
Glass: with over 20,000 glass recycling points around the country even if you do not have a kerbside collection there is no excuse for not recycling glass! Rinse them out and remove caps if possible as this speeds up the processing.
Mobile Phones: yes these can be recycled and there are a number of companies but also don't forget you can sometimes get aprt exchange on them when you buy a new phone
Paper: the oldest recycled product that began in the
Thought you could recycle your tetrapak cartons (milk and fruit juices). Well, they are not totally made of card/paper and require more specialist processes so check the tetrapak web site to see if your local area covers them.
Using the Mail preference service will cut down on the amount of junk mail you receive in the first place.
Plastic: we produce 20 times more plastic now than we did 50 years ago and plastics now make up approx 7% of the average household waste. Whilst recycling of plastics has great benefits we need to think about its use in the first place. Most councils only collect the drinks bottles and detergents/shampoos bottles, NOT the food type.
Plastic bags: supermarkets often have a collection point for these but reduce them in the first place by reusing them or not using them at all - remember to take your own bags everytime you go out shopping - invest in a few bags for life!
Printer cartridges: get them refilled. With over 48 million cartridges going to landfill sites every year in the
Or refill them yourself
or donate to a charity who will reuse them
Spectacles: these can be recycled offering great advantages to less fortunate people overseas
Stamps: many charities will be glad to receive your stamps so start saving them especially over the Christmas season
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